Resident Controllers

Resident Controllers are those controllers who have selected or transferred to the Piarco FIR via the VATCAR website. Resident Controllers are listed on the roster. For each calendar month, Resident Controllers are required to control a minimum of three (3) hours in order to remain current on the roster. Controllers who cannot make that requirement are urged to contact the ATM or DATM. If necessary, the Controller may request a Leave of Absence from the ATM or DATM. This policy is to ensure compliance with the VATCAR Air Traffic Controllers Hours policy.


Visiting Controllers

Visiting controllers shall provide ATC services under an authorized controller callsign within their endorsement level for a minimum of three (3) hours per month.


Observers / New Controllers

Observers / New Controllers, both resident and visiting, shall maintain an active training profile with the training team. All new controllers, both resident and visiting, will be placed as inactive on the roster if they have not enrolled in their first course in the first 30 days of joining. After initial course enrolment and / or after successfully passing their first exam, they will be expected to complete three (3) hours of classroom or network training hours to remain active.


Leave of Absence 

A member may request a Leave of Absence for a period of 30 to 180 days in duration. Members with less than ninety (90) days as a member shall be granted a LOA on a case by case basis. Requests for a LOA must be submitted by email to [email protected] and [email protected] and include the reason for LOA for consideration. Note: A visiting controller cannot be granted a LOA unless they have a concurrent LOA granted from there home ARTCC.


Inactive Status

Controllers failing to meet Activity Requirements shall be set to Inactive Status and must contact the Air Traffic Manager in order to return to the active roster.


Removal from Roster

After a controller is move to inactive status, and email is sent to the controller by the Air Traffic Manager or the Deputy Air Traffic Manager, if a response is not received within a 7 day period, the controller may be removed from the roster. A controller removed in accordance with the above who wishes to return to the roster must email the Air Traffic Manager or designee stating their intent and submit a transfer request to Piarco via the VATCAR transfer request form via the VATCAR website. A controller may also be removed from the roster due to failure to adhere to any Piarco, VATCAR, or VATNA regulations or guidelines, rude or disruptive behavior, insubordination or harassment of a member of staff, or a violation of VATSIM Code of Conduct (specifically A.1, A. 11, A. 12).


Return After Roster Removal

If less than 30 days have elapsed from the date of removal the controller will be returned to the roster with all previously earned certifications. If a period of more than 30 but less than 60 days has elapsed from the date of removal, the controller must demonstrate that the knowledge has been retained by repeating the written test and OTS for the highest certification earned prior to removal. If a period of 60 or more days has elapsed from the date of removal the controller must start the entire training program from the beginning. Visiting controllers who fail to meet activity requirements shall have visiting controller status removed.

Code of Conduct

All members are expected to remain courteous, professional, and respectful at all times whilst controlling on any frequency.

The preferred method of communication on the network is voice. However, some users still only use text. No services can be denied to text only pilots for any reason.

Offensive behaviour and/or language on the network or discord, or any other offensive behaviour (racist remarks, offensive remarks regarding an individual’s religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc) is strictly prohibited.

Anyone using offensive language or engaging in offensive behavior will have their controlling privileges revoked in accordance with VATSIM / VATCAR policy and will no longer be allowed to participate on Discord and/or other VATCAR

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions within Piarco should generally be conducted in the order provided below. Due to the severity of the offense, steps may be modified, skipped, or removed at the discretion of the Air Traffic Manager and the Deputy Air Traffic Manager.

Verbal Warning

Written Warning

Roster Removal

Referral by the ATM to Network Supervisor

Referral to VATCAR 1 and 2

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